Haj drugari, večeras Vam predstavljam dve kreme za ruke. Naručila sam ih sa Ali Expressa i koštaju oko 2 dolara.
Interesantna stvar je da su jako hranljive i lepo hidriraju ruke. Nisu masne, ni lepljive. Koža ih apsorbuje jako brzo. Firma BIOAQUA. Namenjene su nezi ruku i noktiju.
Svaka krema ima 30 gr. Ambalaža je ustvari faktor zbog kojeg sam ih i kupila. Pakovanje u obliku jabuke i u obliku breskve. Interesantno je da svaka krema miriše na voćku u čijem se pakovanju nalazi. Miris jabuke i breskve. Plastika u koju su upakovane je kvalitetna, poklopac dobro dihtuje. Došle su upakovane u celofan, tako da znate da ih niko sem Vas nije dotakao. Uglavnom nisam imala problema sa pošiljkom sa Ali Expressa. Narudžbine se uglavnom šalju sa Tajlanda, Kine, Koreje, Hong Konga. Piše na pošiljci.
Tonight I present to you two hand creams. I ordered them from Ali Express and cost about $ 2. The interesting thing is that they are very nutritious and well-hydrated hands. They are not greasy, nor sticky. The skin absorbs them very quickly. Creams are designed for nourishing hands and nails. Each cream has 30 gr. Packaging is actually the reason I bought them. Packaged in the form of apple and in the form of peach. It is interesting that every cream smells like a fruit in which it is packed. The smell of apples and peaches. The plastic in which they are packed is of high quality. They are packaged in cellophane, so you know that nobody touched them except you. Mostly I did not have a problem with the shipment from Ali Express. Orders are mostly sent from Thailand, China, Korea, Hong Kong. It's written on the shipment.
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